Carefree Galloway Wash Preserve

Galloway Wash slashes a broad, sandy swipe through the Sonoran Desert a few blocks from downtown Carefree, Arizona. During the rainy season it can fill with a torrent of water that tumbles from the mountains and roars on to join Cave Creek. The habitat along the wash is classified as xeric-riparian. Seasonal water flow provides enough moisture to facilitate the growth of denser and more diverse plant life which in turn provides more food and cover for wildlife. In 1995 the property was slated for development when Mr. Joe Fiorilla and Mr. Roger Guffey donated 11 acres of Galloway Wash to the Land Trust. Land Trust volunteers removed all the modern debris and constructed a trail that winds through the wash and up into the thick growth of mesquite, saguaro, yucca and bursage on either side of the wash.
Preserve Gallery