Barbara Renner
Barbara Renner is a retired teacher who believes reading enhances an understanding of the world around us. As a classroom presenter, she reads her books and facilitates lessons to childtching the quail scurry arren of all ages. She and her husband have lived in Arizona for over 40 years and enjoy waound their neighborhood. To learn more about Barbara or to purchase one of her books you can visit her website at www.rennerwrites.com
About this lesson
Follow along as author Barbara Renner demonstrates how to paint a Sonoran Desert sunset on a river rock. Kindness rocks make a great gift for family and friends or you can hide them for someone to find and brighten their day. For this craft you will need: a smooth river rock, outdoor acrylic paints, paint brushes and/or sponges, a paper plate, a cup of water and clear acrylic sealer spray. Parental supervision is recommended for children.